KMG, in the pursuit of client satisfaction and excellence of its services in order to generate smarter analytical solutions, establishes its Quality Policy based on the following principles:
Commitment to our customers
We work constantly to satisfy in time and form the current and potential demands of our clients, including our support in their processes of adaptation to the continuous changes of the business and our collaboration in the generation of competitive advantages.
Continuous Improvement
We are committed to meet the requirements of our Quality Management System and to improve our processes and services every day, for the benefit of our customers.
Long-term relationships with our customers and suppliers
We establish long-term commitment relationships with our clients and suppliers, in a framework of ethics, trust and mutual benefit.
We continuously work on developing an image of our company that allows us to grow both in the national and international market.
Commitment with our staff
We maintain a favorable work environment, based on the generation of human, professional and economic development opportunities for our staff.
All KMG staff is fundamental in the provision of our services, and success in meeting these principles is a challenge that requires the commitment of each one of us.
Commitment to legal and applicable requirements
KMG is committed to comply with the requirements of its clients, the legal and applicable, regulatory and Quality Management System and have the necessary resources to continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
Diego Machena
Validity: Nov / 17
To be leaders and referents as providers of practices, technologies and solutions focused on expanding the capacity of performance analysis and improving business planning.
To provide our clients with solutions and services that maximize the analysis of information to constantly improve the knowledge of their businesses. Optimize the prediction and simulation of scenarios that facilitate decision making to maintain and expand their competitive advantages.
• Quality: Overcome day by day the level of quality of our services for the benefit of our customers.
• Innovation: Collaborate with our clients in the generation of measurable competitive advantages.
• Commitment: Establish long-term commitment relationships with our clients with a framework of ethics, trust and mutual benefit.
• Support our clients in the process of adapting to the constant changes in the business.
• Caring for our people: Providing our staff with human, professional, personal and economic opportunities.
• Creativity: we constantly stimulate our creative spirit to provide our clients with innovative solutions.